Sunday, February 27, 2011

dragon-one @ de gardens with bears! ♥

out for dinner with my family of bears. Sis suggested Dragon-One @ "de Gardens", a chinese restaurant, something like Tai Thongs, or Esquire Kitchen. Anyways, first time going that restaurant for all of us, as for my dad, its his first time goin to "de gardens", he was so fascinated by the development of that place, well, not surprising, he's just doesn't go to these places!! >< haha anyways, check out the food we ordered...

 fried "loh bak gou"
 avocado dessert
 soup with rice
 soup with "zha choi"
 "char siu bao"
 "xiao long bao"
 "spicy and sour la mee"
 that'll be us in the toilet! >< 

after dinner, went to strawberry moments to visit my dear fren ker er!! aaahhh, missing her...!! >< anyways, we bought strudles and a piece of blurberry cheese cake!

yum! *licks fingers*

*to myself, please be good to me, i'll be good to u, promise promise!! please dun fall sick on me, love ya!* @.@

u kno u love me, 
always n forever, 

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