Monday, December 20, 2010

suck-iest day i've ever had!!

yup, today was the worst day of my life... why?? well, thats because i'm a girl... well, for those who are not a girl, let me just tell u, it's not easy to be one... there are good and bad, but then the bad part is pretty bad... trust me, u don't wanna go there... guess whats the bad part i'm talking about?? *nods nods* u're so right, i'm talking about girls having their periods... 

listen up guys, here's a little tip on what period is about if u have totally no clue at all....
Period is a cycle every female has to go through, it's some sort of menstrual bleeding,
some form of "cleansing" for us...
ok before i start, i shall name this period thingy as a "friend" kay...
Every month, roughly around the same date,
this "friend" will come and visit us girls for around a week or more,
but then sometimes, when it goes "nuts", it may just not come or perhaps decided to delay their trip,
if that happens, no worries, it's very very normal...
when they come, they sometimes show no mercy,
it hurts the crap outta us girls,
not the stomach part, it's the part below the stomach,
the pain is like like... erm erm, how do i describe it...hhmm.. *scratches head, thinking hard*
its like it's "pulling" some part of your energy, n it hurts... badly... =((
and sometimes when it hurts too much, we have to take this painkiller to stop it
but then many say eating too much of this painkiller is not good,
why?? because if u always eat everytime it comes, after a while u might be immune to it,
and it might not help to kill the pain anymore, n u may have to go for stronger painkillers, which is BAD..
so how?? if can, tahan babes... but if u can't take it, fark, just eat the damn pill...
next, when our "friend" comes to visit, we have to wear this thing called "pads"...
cant imagine it?? then imagine a pampers, it's something like that, but then much smaller...
and we have to change every few hours, depends on how heavy a flow we're having...
signs of having periods??
well, some may realize their boobies are getting bigger and it hurts,
their mood gets NOT very good,
and they tend to be tired always, it actually quite depends on each girls,
diff girls have diff syntoms,
oh oh and the pain i was talking about before, that also depends on us,
some girls may not have "merciless friend", some may have very "evil friends"
it all depends...
well, thats about all u should know about our "friends"
thanks to MY "friend", it kindda ruined my day....crappo!!
went shopping with mama bear today, and guess wat, my friend "attacked" me gao2,
this time no mercy at all, it was the worst time ever, crap crap crap,
i so hate u "friend"!! u ruined my day!!! boohoo, =((
and sorry mama bear, did't mean to ruined your day too,
but thanks for being there, i love you!!! *hugs tight tight* =))

okok, no complains please gal!
that's part of being a female!!! *nods nods* okay okay.. >.<
tells herself, " smile babe, tomoro's gonna be a better day!! definately!!" =D

u kno u love me,

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