Tuesday, December 14, 2010

committing suicide??

well, im sure many of you guys have heard of this so called Alviss Kong, who got famous in facebook because of his "heroine" act of commiting suiside just because LOVE?? and now another guy in facebook posted some note saying its time for him to go, thanks to every1, dun miss me, its time to say goodbye, yada yada yada, crap!! aarrgghh, what is wrong with the world now? commiting suiside? is it even a solution?? u tink it'll end all of this problem or watever you're facing?? thats just running away from all of it, n u're a coward to do it or even think of it... Everyone is created for a reason., and its so NOT up to us to just take it away just like that... what were you thinking?? i mean is it even worth it?? there so many other things that is beautiful in this world, and come on, you're stil YOUNG, you have much more to learn, see and enjoy... can't you think it this way?? and to die for a love one?? well, in a way it just shows how great your love is for your girlfriend, but still how about your parents?? they are the one who brought you up right from the moment you came out of your mum's womb... you think it's easy to get you out from her stomach?? can you imagine how sad they would be to see their own flesh and blood taking away his own life?? haven't you ever thought of that?? didt it even occur to you to think of them?? or or or maybe you want attention??? well, kudos you got it!! everyone knows you right now, you're officially famous! for what? your stupidity... and being famous after your death? worth it?? you think?? aaarrrggghh, sometimes people don't think straight and when that happens they do make stupid decisions and do stupid stuffs like taking their life away just like this bear below.... 
poor bearry 

people, get this, LIFE is too PRECIOUS, and like i say before everyone is born/ given a life for a REASON, if you haven't found that reason, then continue your search until you get it, DON'T give up,  life is like that, full of UPS & DOWNS, no one said it was EASY, whatever happens to you, take it as an EXPERIENCE in life, MOVE on, LIFE has to GO ON no matter what, its not the end of the world, and its NOT up to US to take our own life away just like that, that is so up to the wise man up there (GOD? =))), don't you think so?? 

u kno you love me, 


WendyGaL said...

Support Support!! Juz pure stupidity there..>.< Btw, nice layout u hv here... LoL~ Missin u lots. Muaxx!!!

♥ R A C H E L ♥ said...

thanks gal, miss ya too!! =))