Monday, April 21, 2014

updates on my weekends?

hello there its me again. heres a recap of what i did for the pass 2 weekends.

1. 12/4/2013 (sat)- tea time catch up session with my 2 besties!

 before that, a selfie! 
 for the love of coffee~
us :) 

2. 12/4/2014 (sat) - my cousie nikki's wedding dinner! 

 congrats nikki! 
 the beautiful bride and her mama :) 

3. 13/4/2014 (sun)- dinner and prayer session for popo at aunt's place 

all home cook food! salivating! 
presenting: (from left) my malaysian sister, my australian cousin, and my switzerland cousin. 
glory and praise to our father in heaven for bringing us all back together. thank you jesus! so thankful to be part of this family! :D 

4. 19/4/2014 (Sat) - Dinner at Silver Spoon 

this instantly plastered and smile on my face!
 sis and the birthday boy! 
me n love 
 the food of the night 
after dinner, saturday evening easter mass. Despite the nerves and butterflies in our stomach, me and sista dearest sang (cantered) our hearts out in front of JESUS! praise and thanks be to our father above! amen! :)

5. 20/4/2014 (Sun) - Relaxing Sunday
 breakkie in coffee bean with sis and me boy :)

thank you Jesus. for sending this boy to take care of me. :) 

he laughs with me, he go all craze with me, he go all drama queen with me, he makes funny faces with me. he spends time with me, he takes care of me, he watch out for me, he encourages me to live my dreams, he motivates me, he gets so patient with me, he worries for me, he wipes away my tears, he kisses me on the forehead and tells me that everything is gonna be alright. he was there thru my worst moments, while i cried and cried and whine and tine and said that life wasn't fair. thank you. thank you. thank you. 

short sketch to end my awesome weekend. 

you know you love me,
coz i relly relly do,
stil do, always will,
forever and ever,

Saturday, April 12, 2014

an awesome kickstart to my weekend :)

its the weekends again! YAY! awesome homemade engelish breakkie made by my awesome-self plus the awesomeful coffee made by sista dearest! sorry mama bear, you missed out!! :p

wonderous breakkie to kick start an awesome saturday! 

after breakie, time for some sketching! while watching "我是歌手“, some singing competition which is a hit right now in china. wooots~
time to get my hand dirty once again, doing what i love. 

feeling awesome :) Happy Weekends peeps! :D

you know you love me,
coz i relly relly do,
stil do, always will,
forever and ever,

Monday, April 7, 2014

an attempt to draw myself?

A "PHIAL" attempt to draw myself. meh :/

suddenly felt like drawing something realistic, something close to life. and out came a pic a myself. so here goes... i guess...? while the other part of my brain attempts to convince myself, "ah well of course if u can't get it right the first time you can try another time right..?"

you know you love me,
coz i relly relly do,
stil do, always will,
forever and ever,

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


怎么办, 突然觉得好累好累。 生活好没意思了。 怎么会有这种感觉呢? 讨厌。

当一个人,尤其是当一个人很寂寞的时候,一定会乱想,想很多。越想越烦恼, 越想越不开心。 不管在工作, 爱情,友情, 生活的每一个上上下下,一想到这些,好烦啊! 救命啊! 熊妈妈不是每次说 “明天会更好吗”?怎么每天都一样啊?都没改变嘛。。。

工作。 每天都起床,工作,放工,回家, 吃饭,累,早睡觉。一天一天的这样过,工作每一天做一样的东西,好没意思喔。我真的真的很不喜欢现在的工哦,这根本就不是我要做的工嘛,根本就不是我的梦想。 越做越不开心。💔 怎么中学大学都没教这些呢?怎么都没有给我们一个方向,走向我们的未来呢?怎么都没给我们一个心里准备,去 验试真正外面残忍的世界呢?过了这几年,才发现, 我呢,就是很喜欢画画。所以呢,我打算回去读书,读multimedia design这一行。这才是我真真要的。不反悔了,现在不走向那方向,我永远就不走了,人都渐渐累了,老了, 难到到时才打算?不可能啦,有机会就冲,还年轻嘛。不管了,我要冲向我的梦想了,替我加油好吗?

爱情。 远距离爱情好喘哦。很多时侯,总觉的好寂寞,见不到他,摸不到他,伤心时他没在,要抱抱时他没在,想见他他不在,想找人谈天他只在电话。尤其是当我一个人在家, 家里那么大,一个人孤零零的,有一点害怕哦, 可是很多时侯我的寂寞当然比我的害怕多得很哦。喔告诉你,很多人啊, 我亲爱的朋友们,都说远距离爱情都不会成功,那种感觉,听了,好难受哦。我知道他们是为我好,可是你就不给我是其中一百万里成功的那一个吗?我好想好想要坚持下去呢!我希望我能忍,我能坚强,我能度过这一切。所以,每次乱想的时候,要逼自己,想好的,想+ve 的, 不要弄到自己那么的不开心。相信未来会更好。可爱的我,加油吧!

P/S: 笑一笑, 生活更美妙。

you know you love me,
coz i relly relly do,
stil do, always will,
forever and ever,