Friday, March 2, 2012

weekend escape in kampar. ♥

took a trip back to memory lane in kampar last weekend. aaahh, the memories, it all came back. :) I, or rather, we had so much fun before. missing those happy happy moments. 

anyways, i actually escape to kampar for my ex-housiematie's PR event. It is to break malaysia's record by making the largest heart shaped folded paper logo. Check it out! 

the banner 
 spread the love baybeh! 
 one of the pics taken by the pro- photographers there :)) aww, we're having so much fun aren't we? :D (confessing our love to each other n blessing wenz dear with my flying hearts? n making sure no hearts got stuck to our buttss??, nah, more to wenz butt :p)
finally. with all the hard effort plus the skipping of our breakkie and lunch. completed. record broken. hooray! *claps claps*

was a fun and enjoyable week. not to forget the company with my one-of-a-kind roomie n singmin! :D thanks guys, till we meet again, adios! :))

u kno u love me, 
coz i relly relly do, 
stil do, always wil, 
forever n ever, 

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