Monday, March 21, 2011

mengkaji- maji IF yg mengkomplikasikan otak i

fuuuuhhhh, took me HALF a day to meng-kaji my IF (International Finance), IF only u weren't that Mr.Chong (my IF lec), "u're so rite, topic 9 is NO KIDDIN...." >.<

tomoro presenting my tutorial, n LUCKY me, my group got the hardest topic! ppffftt... it aint easy man, seriously challenging the ability of my brain to twist n turn in every direction to get the rite figure...!! but alas!! i figured it out...! YAY! lol, m officially exhausted. aiks, better catch a nap 1st, later nak kena drive balik kampar plak... *grabs fuzz n terus drops dead on the bed* @@

u kno u love me, 
always n forever, 

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