humble guys he is, alwez surprise that he's in .....even when ryan annouced he won , he was like stunned n totally speechless... he even said, "adam deserved this"... LOL you WON boy, NOT adam..!! take it all in boy....!!
Either way, congrats to KRis Allen for winning the 2009 season 8 of American Idol....!! yahooo..!!!! Adam too, u r also a winner to me ....!!! both of u guys have ur own talent in singing, both have great voice.... doesn't really matter who wins right people...?? anyways, im sure adam will be as famous with his fantastic voice ....n his kindda screaming voice that makes u go "WOW"..... haha... i mean, who wouldn't love him ....?? he's full of surprises..... hhaaaha anyways luv ya kris, m so gonna support u , n........ u're so CUTE..!!!
i guess thatz the end of another season of American Idol .... ther goes my fav TV show.... see ya next year ...!!! huhu n hope to see u both adam n kris soon with ur new albums...!!! *winks*