this year, the m'sia festival of the mind is held in UTAR, Kampar.... yesterday was the launching of this ceremony and i went to kindda see see look look ..... got up around 8 something, n on the way to campus we saw police man at almost every turning of the road.... ingat apa pulak, see see the deputy PM coming to lauch this ceremony..... whoah.... didt kno it was that
"BIGGG" an event.... reached campus, every1 standing in position d.... red carpets, camera man, formal suits, VIPs, policeman everywher.... wow .... anyways i was lucky, got to go inside the lecture hall for the opening .... coOoL.... imagine, surrounded with all the VIP's and people wearing coats and batik's ... n to top it up, i was in the same room wit the Deputy PM and DR. Ling Liong Sik ...!! huhu... anyways, check out the pics...~~

This Malay gal's memory is so freakin gOod weh, she can remember all the words on the board.... every num, every word, the num & the word together, and she can event go backwards the whole list.... not even one she missed...!!!!!

This chinese guy also "frekee" la .... he remembered all the numbers on the FULL white board..... (almost 7 to 8 rolls of num) every single one of the num he remembered, all in the correct order.... not even one he got wrong ..... WOW ... and he memorize for a while ni.... one of the speaker even ask us how long we can remember all that, n some1 say "1 year".... haha LOL, i tink forever cannot remember la if its me .... haha....
~me n weiting dear~After the launching, we went to block A for the exhibition .... ther are many many talks n things to see in the exhibition..... the talks are all FREE of charge but then alll sold out b4 i can even get ther ... LOL ...

We (as in me weiting, yen ern n swuen) played almost all the games ther.... as in all the
MIND games, not kiddo games dun get me wrong ...!! haha ~ this one above is u have to put all the pieces according to wher the animals stay.... e.g, fish muz be on the river part and the rabit should be on the land.... zhai bo ...?? hey its not easy weh, i oni manage to do the beginners one ...... the normal n expert one very hard la ....

I manage to get the
LAST ball in the hole..... why last..??? coz my dear weiting cant get the last one ..... haha

Check out the COOOOOL guy at the back of us..... hahaha.... this is one of USM booth... wher they hav all the skeletons and brains and scientific thingy...
REAL human brain... It seems girls brain are slighty bigger than guys ....
Also REAL REAL human brain ... it seems from INDIA, many many years d .... ewww...Next, went to another USM booth, wher u take a quiz about urself...

My result was, im music smart, word smart, picture smart and body smart.... u tink so ...?? =)
Free baggies...Went to this TOY booth i bought the cubik and the mind pyramid.... i'm learning the cubik thingy, see the pic, i got almost the top half....

After that went to MAth Magic booth .... played this math magic board game..... me against weiting..!! haha wit the help of our assistants swuen and yen ern ..... isk isk, my mind calculation.....
BAD..!! >.<

So expensiv la this board game... ninty over le ....

This is the other game we played, colour magic.... the whole board below is full of other colors of balls... so u pick one color and cover the other colors wit the pieces given.... me n weiting chose the gold color ball ... n yeah ...!!! we made it ... haha
We played until 4 something then me n swuen headed back to epo ...!!!! yeah ...!! had a
FANTASTIC day....!!! =D